Monday, November 07, 2005

9 of 13

Back at the beginning of the semester, I set up my week-by-week calendar, writing in all my non-negotiable commitments: classes I take, the class I teach, obligatory office hours, etc. Everything else gets slotted in around those.

I also made a small notation at the top of each weekly page, as to many weeks we are into the semester. As of today, we are starting week nine of a total of thirteen weeks. Just over a month left to the first semester! Yaay!

Luckily, this is a short week, with no classes on Thursday or Friday. I'm behind in my readings, so I'll have my nose in the books this weekend, but at least it's a relief to know there will be time to catch up.

And now... back to that paper that's due on Wednesday... and worth 50% of the final grade in the course. Nothing like a little pressure to get things done...


ipodmomma said...

hope your next 4 weeks go by quickly! we're having a quiet week this week, and I'm happy about...

how long are you looking at for this PhD? I heartily applaud you, as that kind of thing is not one of my callings...

have a nice evening!


zouzou said...

you go, girl! I'm on 19 of 40 myself ;) smirk. The paper's probably done by now, right?