Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Z. was apparently getting ready for the "real" part of labour. Her water broke at 3:40 a.m. People have been taking shifts with her ever since. At the moment, I am on a "rest" shift... will go back soon.

Contractions are at 5.5 - 5.0 minutes apart now. When they are consistently 5 minutes apart, the midwife will be called.

Z. is doing great. She's completely exhausted (already ... it's been 2.5 days, after all). Apart from being a bit weepy, she's strong, focussed and very, very calm.... meditating most of the time.

She's one strong Mama, that's for sure.


M A F said...

Hello Sarah, I hope that all is relatively painless for Z. I did have an interesting question regarding the birth of her child. Is she,or did she give birth while lying on her back with her knees bent? Or will she, did she deliver her baby in the non-western tradition of squating?

ipodmomma said...

how totally exciting! I've been at the births of two babies besides my three, and it is really something else!

can't wait to hear how things go!! thanks for keeping us updated...

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

wow, how exciting. I've never seen childbirth from the other side.

Turtle Guy said...

Hmmm... 10:17 and no word... a strong Mama, indeed! Not to mention the support crew... you sounded literally exhausted yourself, sweetie..

You're all in my thoughts and prayers...


Granny said...

That's an incredibly long time.

I'll check back.